PLUG-INS / NOS 1.x Plug-ins add functionality to PocketMoney. Some plug-ins used to be built into PocketMoney, but not everyone used those functions so I took them out thereby reducing the size and memory requirements for PocketMoney. These plug-ins only work with Newton OS 1.x. SDP.pkg (ScrollingDoPopup) allows your popup lists to be longer than the screen. This gives you the ability to have an unlimited number of accounts, categories, or payees. When the list is longer than the screen then an arrow button will be installed as the last item in the list. Tapping the arrow button will show you the next page. PMButton.pkg is one of the most useful plug-ins in this package - installs a button in the Notepad status bar. Tapping the button will open a data entry slip for PocketMoney. Holding the button down for 0.5 seconds will show your account balances.