Patient Data 1.0 Copyright 1996 by Jack Starmer. All rights reserved. 3/12/96**Requires Newton OS 2.0Patient Data 1.0 is a piece of stationary for the note pad for keeping track of patient data in the hospital. Features:It uses the intelligent name picker for picking the name of the patient from the "Names" application (You can also enter in names directly). It remembers the last 8 names you used.It automatically puts in the current date and time (this too is editable).It contains a picker (with common labs) for picking the lab.It allows only "digital ink" renditions of the laboratory data. This makes for quick data entry each morning as you "run the labs".I'm an intern in internal medicine. I'm also trying to teach myself how to program the Newton. Patient Data 1.0 doesn't support printing fully (I haven't been able to get "digital ink" to print yet) and I don't know about faxing or beaming. I'm releasing this as FreeWare. You don't have to pay me anything for it. I make no guarantees about how it will work. Use it at your own risk. I've tested it on my MP 120 and it seems to work just fine. To "un-install" Patient Data 1.0 go to the "extensions" folder in the extras drawer and scribble it out.If you have any questions, comments, or just want to talk please send me some email!jack starmer (