Debugger Images for Hammer and Newtsbug Version 2 (20030608) In this directory, you'll find debugger images for the two low-level debuggers of the Newton. Newtsbug needs a ROM image which is the AIF made out of the source of the ROM, with more or less symbols exported. Hammer needs the same image plus a high image which is the ROM Extension 0 of your Newton or very similar (type: rex0, creator: HMR6). Hammer will work with your Newton's REX0. Both images are included for 2.1 models, the MP120 US and the MP120 D. You'll find only the AIF for the MP130 US here. I think that the MP130 D has the same ROM as the MP120 D (I vaguely recall Frank saying so), which would mean that if you want to debug with a MP130 D, just use the MP120 D images. If you have a non standard 2.x model such as a Dr. Schlumberger (French MP2000), send it my way ;) Seriously, debugging with such beasts is possible, but one has to extract the ROM file entirely. Usually, when you run Hammer with a ROM image and you connect a Newton with a non matching image, Hammer asks you if you want to re-program the ROM. This does not work with common units, it may work with EVT units around. But I disgress. If you want to enjoy the power of Hammer with your MP130 US, you have two methods: - copy the MP120 US or D image and rename it properly so Hammer will use it with your MP130. Hammer may give you weird error messages because the REX0 doesn't match. - connect your MP130 to Newtsbug and dump the Rex0 there. You need to find (Memory menu) the last occurrence of RExBlock in the ROM (between 00000000 and 08000000). Newtsbug only allows you to search a long, so look for 52457842 ('RExB') and check by displaying the memory that it's followed by 6C6F636B ('lock'). This can be long. The last occurrence might be the third one, it's definitely not the first one. And you cannot search backward. If you run Newtsbug in Classic or Basilisk II, you can do other things, but if you do not, you'd better have a good book. Alternatively, you can dump the whole ROM (Save Memory from the File menu) and do all that on the Mac with an Hex editor. The fifth ULong *after* this signature is the length of the ROM Extension (> 840 KB on the MP2x00 US). Here are the first bytes of the MP120 D high image: 52 45 78 42 6C 6F 63 6B 00 00 1E CE 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 0E 3F 10 00 00 00 00 The fifth ULong is 000E3F10. Just to give you an idea of what I mean by fifth ULong after the signature. On the MP2x00 US, it is: 52 45 78 42 6C 6F 63 6B 00 00 98 E6 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 0C E3 FC 00 00 00 00 (just get an Hex editor if you want to know for the other units). If you want to know where I learnt about all this, have a look at OS600:ROMExtension.h. You need to dump the whole extension (Save Memory from Newtsbug) and name the file with the same name as the ROM Image but replace 'image' by 'high'. Put it next to the AIF. You can set the creator and the type as noticed, but it's not required (MP120s creators are not set properly).