0010 REM NewtWap - Apple MP WAP Client Copyright (c) 2000 Eric M. Schneck,
0020 LET appSpec={goto:'endProgram,title:""}
0030 window app,appSpec,"APP"
0040 show app
0050 widgetdef Layout_0:={lbURL:{widgetType:"labelInput",order:0,B
53,right:210},viewFlags:514,text:"Open Link",viewFont:{famiB
lick a [Link], then press Open Link",viewFormat:0},btnExit:B
0060 window wlist,Layout_0
0070 show wlist
0080 gosub Initialize //
0090 wait -1 //indefinitely
1000 Initialize: REM
1010 let crlf=chr(13)&chr(10)
1020 let hist:=[]
1030 let histidx=-1
1040 let URL={entire:"",addr:"",file:"",anchor:""}
1050 let bit:=getroot().|bit:nsbasic|
1060 setvalue(layout_0.btnKbd,'icon,@434.icon)
1070 gosub LoadBookmarks //
1080 return
1090 initDeck: REM
1100 setvalue(layout_0.txtMain,'text,clone(XML))
1110 setvalue(layout_0.scrollbar,'viewValue,1)
1115 let screenOffset = 1
1120 return
1180 go: REM
1190 let bLoading=TRUE
1200 let PrevURL=URL // see if same deck
1210 gosub ParseURL //
1220 if URL.addr<> PrevURL.addr OR URL.file<>PrevURL.file then
1230 gosub getXML //
1240 endif
1250 if bLoading=nil then return
1260 if URL.anchor = "" then
1270 gosub GetFirstCard //
1280 else
1290 gosub GetSpecifiedCard //
1300 endif
1310 gosub InitDeck //
1320 gosub DisplayCard //
1330 LET bLoading =nil
1340 return
1350 getXML: REM
1360 let bit.fconfigRAddr=url.addr
1370 LET bit.fconfigRPort=80
1380 let histidx=histidx+1
1390 if histidx >= length(hist) then addarrayslot(hist,"")
1400 let hist[histidx]=URL.entire
1410 gosub waitForConnect //
1420 if bLoading=nil then return
1430 gosub waitForInputComplete //
1440 let cmd="GET " &"/"& URL.file
1450 let cmd=cmd&" HTTP/1.1"&crlf
1460 let cmd=cmd&"Accept: text/VND.WAP.WML; */*"&crlf
1470 let cmd=cmd&"Accept-Language: en-us"&crlf
1480 let cmd=cmd&"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate"&crlf
1490 let cmd=cmd&"User-Agent: WapIDE-SDK/2.0;(R320s(Arial))"&crlf
1500 let cmd=cmd&"Host:"& URL.Addr &crlf
1510 let cmd=cmd&"Connection: Keep-Alive"&crlf
1520 let cmd=cmd&""&crlf
1530 u.bit:send(cmd)
1540 gosub waitForInputStart //
1550 gosub waitForInputComplete //
1560 let XML=bit.fReceiveBuffer
1570 u.bit:cleanup()
1580 return
1590 rem
1600 stopLoading: REM
1610 Setvalue(Layout_0.txtCardTitle,'text,"Stopped")
1620 let bLoading=nil
1630 return
1640 goBack: REM
1650 if histidx <= 0 then return
1660 let histidx=histidx - 1
1670 setvalue(layout_0.lbURL,'text,clone(hist[histidx]))
1680 u.Layout_0.lbURL:updateText(Hist[histidx])
1690 gosub go //
1700 return
1710 parseURL: REM
1720 LET URL.entire:=clone( u.layout_0.lbURL.windowspec.text)
1730 rem Make sure URL starts with http
1740 let elen=strlen(URL.entire)
1750 if strpos(URL.entire,"http:",0) = nil then let URL.entire="http:/" &"/"&UR
1760 let elen=strlen(URL.entire)
1770 rem find slash separating addr and page
1780 LET slashPos=strpos(URL.entire,"/",8)
1782 if slashPos=nil then
1784 let URL.Entire=URL.Entire&"/"
1786 LET slashPos=strpos(URL.entire,"/",8)
1788 end if
1790 if slashPos<>nil then LET hashPos= strpos(URL.Entire,"#",slashPos)
1800 if hashPos=nil then hashPos=strlen(URL.Entire)
1810 LET URL.addr=substr(URL.entire,7,slashPos-7)
1820 LET URL.file=substr(URL.entire,slashpos+1,hashPos-slashPos-1)
1830 LET URL.anchor=substr(URL.entire,hashPos+1,strlen(URL.entire))
1840 return
1850 rem
1860 GetFirstCard: REM
1870 let card=""
1880 let cardStart=strPos(XML,"",cardStart) = nil then let XML=XML&""
1940 let cardEnd =strPos(XML,"",cardStart)
1950 let card = substr(XML,cardStart,cardEnd-CardStart-1)&""
1960 return
1970 rem
1980 GetSpecifiedCard: REM
1990 let card=""
2000 let idStart=strPos(XML,"ID=\""&URL.anchor,0)
2010 if idStart=nil then return
2020 let cardStart=strpos(XML,"",cardStart)=nil then let XML=XML&""
2050 let cardEnd =strPos(XML,"",cardStart)
2060 if cardEnd=nil then cardEnd=strlen(XML)
2070 let card = substr(XML,cardStart,cardEnd-CardStart-1)&""
2080 return
2090 DisplayCard: REM
2100 if card="" then
2105 let txtline=XML
2110 setvalue(layout_0.txtCardTitle,'Text,"404 Card Not Found")
2120 return
2130 endif
2140 Setvalue(Layout_0.txtCardTitle,'text,"Processing Card")
2145 let cardTitle=URL.addr
2150 let titleStart=strpos(card,"title=",0)
2160 if titleStart<>nil then
2170 let titleEnd=strpos(card,"\"",titlestart+7)
2180 if titleEnd <> nil then let CardTitle=substr(card,titlestart+7,titleEnd-
2190 endif
2200 let Links=[]
2210 let LinkStarts=[]
2220 let nextLineNumber=0
2230 let txtLine=""
2240 let charPtr=strPos(card,">",0)+1
2250 do while charPtr < strlen(card)
2252 wait 1
2255 if bLoading=nil then exit do
2260 let c=substr(card,charPtr,1)
2270 let c2=substr(card,charPtr+1,1)
2280 if c="<" then
2290 if c2="/" then gosub ProcessEndTag
2300 if c2="!" then gosub ProcessComment
2310 if c2="a" then gosub ProcessAnchor
2320 if c2="b" then gosub ProcessBreak
2330 if c2="d" then gosub ProcessDo
2340 if c2="g" then gosub ProcessAnchor
2350 if c2="p" then gosub ProcessBreak
2355 if c2="s" then gosub ProcessSmall
2360 if c2="i" then gosub ProcessImage
2370 endif
2380 if c="&" then gosub ProcessAmpersand
2390 if c<>"<" then if c<>"&" then gosub ProcessChar
2400 if charPtr=nil then exit do
2410 let charPtr=charPtr+1
2420 loop
2425 setvalue(Layout_0.txtCardTitle,'text,cardtitle)
2430 setvalue(layout_0.txtMain,'text,clone(txtLine))
2440 AddArraySlot(LinkStarts,strlen(txtLine))
2450 return
2460 ProcessComment: REM
2470 let charPtr=strpos(card, "->",charPtr)+1
2480 return
2490 ProcessAnchor: REM
2500 AddArraySlot(LinkStarts,strlen(txtLine))
2510 let txtLine=txtLine&"["&"link"&"]'"
2520 let addrPtr=strpos(card,"href",charPtr)
2530 let addrPtr=strpos(card,"\"",addrPtr)
2540 if addrPtr=nil then let addrPtr=strpos(card,"href",charPtr)+5
2550 let charPtr=strpos(card,">",charPtr)
2560 let href=substr(card,addrPtr+1,charPtr-addrPtr-2)
2570 for slashpos=elen to 1 step -1
2580 if substr(URL.entire,slashpos-1,1)="/" then exit for
2590 next slashpos
2600 if substr(href,0,5)<>"http:" then let href=substr(URL.entire,0,slashpos)&h
2610 AddArraySlot(Links,href)
2620 return
2630 ProcessDo: REM
2640 let charPtr=strpos(card,">",charPtr)
2650 return
2660 ProcessImage: REM
2670 let addrPtr=strpos(card,"alt",charptr)
2680 if addrPtr=nil then let txtLine=txtLine&""
2690 else
2700 let endPtr=strpos(card,"\"",charPtr)
2710 let txtLine=txtLine&""
2720 end if
2730 let charPtr=strpos(card,">",charPtr)
2740 return
2750 ProcessAmpersand: REM
2760 if c2="q" then let txtLine=txtLine & "\""
2770 if c2="a" then let txtLine=txtLine & "&"
2780 if c2="l" then let txtLine=txtLine & "<"
2785 if c2="n" then let txtLine=txtLine & " "
2790 if c2="g" then let txtLine=txtLine & ">"
2800 if c2="s" then let txtLine=txtLine & "-"
2810 let semiPtr=strpos(card,";",charPtr)
2820 if c2="#" then
2822 let c3 = substr(card,charPtr+2,1)
2824 if c3="x" then
2826 let txtLine=txtLine&"?"
2827 else
2828 let txtLine=txtLine&chr(ceiling(StringToNumber(substr(card,charPtr+2,s
2829 endif
2835 endif
2838 let charPtr=semiPtr
2840 return
2850 ProcessChar: REM
2860 if ord(c[0])<32 or ord(c[0])>127 then let c=" "
2870 let txtLine=txtLine&c
2880 return
2890 ProcessEndTag: REM
2900 let charPtr=strpos(card,">",charPtr)
2910 return
2920 ProcessBreak: REM
2930 let charPtr=strpos(card,">",charptr)
2940 let txtLine=txtLine&"\n"
2950 return
2952 ProcessSmall: REM
2954 let charPtr=strpos(card,">",charptr)
2956 return
2960 URLClicked: REM
2970 let clickPtr=screenOffset + getcaretinfo().info.offset - 1
2970 let clickPtr=getcaretinfo().info.offset
2980 if clickPtr=nil then return
2990 for i=0 to length(LinkStarts)-2
3000 if clickPtr>=LinkStarts[i] AND clickPtr1 then gosub StopLoading
3210 return
3220 waitForInputComplete: REM
3230 Setvalue(Layout_0.txtCardTitle,'text,"Site found, waiting for page")
3240 do
3250 if bLoading=nil then exit do
3260 let l =strlen(bit.fReceiveBuffer)
3270 wait 1000
3280 loop until l=strlen(bit.fReceiveBuffer)
3290 return
3300 waitForInputStart: REM
3310 Setvalue(Layout_0.txtCardTitle,'text,"Waiting...")
3320 do while strlen(bit.fReceiveBuffer)=0
3330 if bLoading=nil then exit do
3340 wait 1000
3350 loop
3360 return
3370 LoadBookmarks: REM
3380 let bkmks=[]
3390 AddArraySlot(bkmks,"mobile.rediff.com/index.wml")
3400 AddArraySlot(bkmks,"www.spyglassmobile.com/default.asp")
3410 AddArraySlot(bkmks,"wap.yehey.com/")
3420 AddArraySlot(bkmks,"wap.countrybookshop.co.uk/")
3430 AddArraySLot(bkmks,"wap.eco.hu/")
3440 AddArraySlot(bkmks,"mobile.iii.co.uk/index.wml#index")
3450 LET AddArraySlot(bkmks,"wap.diax.ch/portal.cfm?language=de")
3460 AddArraySlot(bkmks,"www.pantterithki.fi/wap/index.php3")
3470 AddArraySlot(bkmks, "")
3480 AddArraySlot(bkmks, "oa.europe.yahoo.com/yahooworld.wml ")
3485 AddArraySlot(bkmks, "wap.mobil.nu/")
3486 AddArraySlot(bkmks, "wap.heise.de/")
3490 setvalue( Layout_0.lbURL,'labelCommands,clone(bkmks))
3500 u.Layout_0.lbURL:updateText(clone(bkmks[0]))
3510 return
3520 DrawText: REM
3530 let screenOffset=ceiling((Layout_0.scrollbar.viewValue/100.0)*strlen(txtLi
3540 setvalue(layout_0.txtmain,'text,substr(txtline,screenOffset,999999))
3550 return
9000 endProgram: rem
9020 hide
9030 bye