Customizing Your Home PageNew to this version of the Notepad Server component of PDS is the ability to serve a file named "index.html" as the default page instead of the page stored in Notepad Server's memory. Doing this is quite simple... Make a note in the Web folder named "index.html" and fill it in with whatever HTML marked text you wish. it is suggested but not required that you use strict HTML for your custom index.html rather than any sort of hybrid plaintext/HTML mix. In order to access the neat dynamic data features of Personal Data Sharing, you can sprinkle in SSI tags throughout this document. Here's an example home page "index.html"
Welcome to Matthew Vaughn's Newton OS Personal Data Sharing. My Message to You Today is "Please be Kind: Rewind" I have the following notes available for your reading pleasure Send me some email at Examine my Calendar This is page number 47 generated by this server You can go to town and get really fancy, including external images, formatting really nicely with tables, using other fonts, etc. That's the point. Just make sure you're a good author and stick to the HTML spec when it comes to punctuation and other conventions! |
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